Journal Articles
- Contradictions of Spatial Governance: Bioeconomy and the Management of State Space in Finland by Toni Ahlqvist, Heikki Sirviö
- The Pluralities of Black Geographies by Adam Bledsoe, Willie Jamaal Wright
- Territorial (In) Coherence: Labour and Special Economic Zones in Laos’s Border Manufacturing by James Alan Brown
- From Grenfell Tower to the Home Front: Unsettling Property Norms Using a Genealogical Approach by Samuel Burgum
- Bursting the Bubble: Spatialising Safety for Privileged Migrant Women in Singapore by Sophie Cranston, Jenny Lloyd
- “An opportunity to hope and dream”: Disaster Politics and the Emergence of Possibility through Community‐Led Recovery by Raven Cretney
- Intimate Mediations of For‐Profit Conservation Finance: Waste, Improvement, and Accumulation by Jessica Dempsey, Patrick Bigger
- “Our life is a struggle”: Respectable Gender Norms and Black Resistance to Policing by Adam Elliott‐Cooper
- Disability Consciousness on the Frontlines of Urban Struggle by Mary Jean Hande
- Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats: Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification by Nikki Luke, Maria Kaika
- Onward Precarity, Mobility, and Migration among Latin Americans in London by Cathy McIlwaine, Diego Bunge
- “Solidarity is our weapon”: Social Mobilisation in Scotland in the Contest of the Post‐Political Condition by Elisabetta Mocca, Stephen Osborne
- Making Space for Wind Farms: Practices of Territorial Stigmatisation in Rural Denmark by David Rudolph, Julia K. Kirkegaard
- Subcontracting Academia: Alienation, Exploitation and Disillusionment in the UK Overseas Syrian Refugee Research Industry by Mayssoun Sukarieh, Stuart Tannock
- Labour Geographies of Workplace Restructuring: An Intra‐Labour Analysis by Andrew Warren
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