The first nine articles form a Symposium, “On the Blockade: Geographies of Circulation and Struggle”, brought together by guest editors Charmaine Chua and Kai Bosworth.
Journal Articles
- Beyond the Chokepoint: Blockades as Social Struggles by Charmaine Chua and Kai Bosworth
- Disrupting Gentrification: From Barricades and Housing Occupations to an Insurgent Urban Subaltern History in a Southern City by Chester Antonino Arcilla
- The Countersovereignty of Critical Infrastructure Security: Settler-State Anxiety versus the Pipeline Blockade by Kai Bosworth and Charmaine Chua
- Seizing the Means of Circulation: Choke Points and Logistical Resistance in Coco Solo, Panama by Martin Danyluk *OPEN ACCESS*
- Beyond Obstruction: Blockades as Productive Reorientations by Sasha Davis
- Maritime Labour, Circulations of Struggle, and Constructions of Transnational Subaltern Agency: The Spatial Politics of the 1939 Indian Seafarers’ Strikes by David Featherstone
- Shutting Down the Machines of Destruction: Possibilities for Agrarian Life on the Protest Blockade by David E. Gilbert
- Infrastructural Activism: Google Bus Blockades, Affective Politics, and Environmental Gentrification in San Francisco by Manissa M. Maharawal
- Whose Streets? Roadway Protests and Weaponised Automobility by Satya Savitzky and Julie Cidell *OPEN ACCESS*
- Unfastening Israel’s Future from the Occupation: Israeli Plans for Partial Annexation of West Bank Territory by Merav Amir *OPEN ACCESS*
- Queer Global Displacement: Social Reproduction, Refugee Survival, and Organised Abandonment in Nairobi, Cape Town, and Paris by Ali Bhagat *OPEN ACCESS*
- Unravelling the “Thin Blue Line”: Policing as an Engine of Inequality by Geoff Boyce, Vanessa Massaro and Laura Spess *OPEN ACCESS*
- Socionatures, Space, and Decolonisation: Amílcar Cabral’s Praxis of Dialectics by Aharon deGrassi
- Improvised Hybridity in the “Fixing” of Chinese Infrastructure Capital: The Case of Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway by Zhengli Huang and Gediminas Lesutis *OPEN ACCESS*
- Borderzone Departure Cities: Jumping-Off Urbanism of Irregular Migration on the Edges of Europe by Irit Katz *OPEN ACCESS*
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