Featured image: the cover of Obra Social Barcelona’s 2018 report, “¡La vivienda para quien la habita! Informe sobre Okupación de Vivienda vacía en Catalunya” (from Mara Ferreri, Melissa García-Lamarca and Obra Social Barcelona’s article in this issue)
Journal Articles
- Racial Frontiers: Hemispheric Logics of Haitians’ Displacement and Asylum in the Americas by Martha Balaguera, Luisa Farah Schwartzman and Luis van Isschot *OPEN ACCESS*
- What’s Talent Got to Do with It? The Collective Labourer and the Rise of Barcelona’s Digital Economy by Greig Charnock and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz *OPEN ACCESS*
- Settler Colonial Beasts: Feral Pigs and Frontier Assemblages in Texas by Jason Cons and Michael Eilenberg
- Round Trip Policies: Housing and Self-Management, from Europe to Latin America and Back Again by Ibán Díaz-Parra, Jose Candón-Mena and Cecilia Zapata *OPEN ACCESS*
- Radical Methodological Openness and Method as Politics: Reflections on Militant Research with Squatters in Catalonia by Mara Ferreri, Melissa García-Lamarca and Obra Social Barcelona *OPEN ACCESS*
- Fantasies of Flows and Containment: The Technopolitics of Security Infrastructures in the Americas by Alke Jenss *OPEN ACCESS*
- Flowing Capital-Disrupted Homes: Financialisation and Maintenance of Rental Housing in Sweden by Defne Kadıoğlu and Ilhan Kellecioğlu *OPEN ACCESS*
- Homonationalism on the Defensive: News Media Responses to Nationalist Anti-LGBTQ Attacks in Sweden by Julia Lagerman *OPEN ACCESS*
- Conceptualising US Immigration Detention as Carceral Real Estate by Lauren L. Martin *OPEN ACCESS*
- Mutual Aid as a Praxis for Critical Environmental Justice: Lessons from W.E.B. Du Bois, Critical Theoretical Perspectives, and Mobilising Collective Care in Disasters by Rachel G. McKane, Patrick Trent Greiner and David Pellow *OPEN ACCESS*
- Latent State Infrastructure and Financialisation: Insight from a Post-Apartheid Public Pension Fund and Real Estate by Sarita Pillay Gonzalez *OPEN ACCESS*
- The Vagrancy Concept, Border Control, and Legal Architectures of Human In/Security by Rayna Rusenko *OPEN ACCESS*
- Who is Entitled to Oppose Planning Decisions? Politics of Rightful Resistance in Tehran by Mojgan Taheri Tafti, Kimia Abdi, Mahdis Khosronezhad and Mahshid Nikbin
- The Economic Politics of Anti-Displacement Struggle: Connecting Diverse and Community Economies Research with Critical Urban Studies on the Carpenters Estate, London by Myfanwy Taylor *OPEN ACCESS*
- José Martí and Antonio Gramsci: The World as a Radical Geography by Simone Vegliò *OPEN ACCESS*
- Tourism-Led Rentier Capitalism: Extracting Rent and Value from Tourism Property Investment by Gertjan Wijburg, Manuel B. Aalbers, Veronica Conte and Arie Stoffelen
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