Challenging the "New Urban Renewal": Gathering the Tools Necessary to Halt the Social Cleansing of Council Estates and Developing Community-led Alternatives for Sustaining Existing Communities

Loretta Lees (University of Leicester), Just Space (, Southwark Notes Archive Group ( and the London Tenants Federation (

  • From Loretta and colleagues, 22/05/2014…

We are proud to present the launch of Staying Put: An Anti-gentrification Handbook for Council Estates in London, a collaboration between Just Space, Southwark Notes Archives Group, the London Tenants Federation and Prof. Loretta Lees funded by an Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist Project Award.

The handbook is designed to help local communities faced with the gentrification of their council estate. It explains what gentrification is, how communities can resist it and the alternatives to demolition and displacement. It contains ideas, stories and resources gathered from the experiences of tenants, leaseholders and the wider community organising around council estates in London.

The launch will take place in Room 2.26, School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London (Mile End Campus), on Thursday 12 June 2014, at 6.30pm. There will be a presentation and a discussion with questions and answers from the audience, followed by drinks and nibbles.

All are welcome, but please let us know if you are planning to come by emailing: [email protected]

In solidarity,

The Anti-gentrification Handbook editorial group

  • 13/06/14…

Now available – Staying Put: An Anti-Gentrification Handbook for Council Estates in London

This handbook explains why the regeneration of council estates often results in established communities being broken up and moved away, and housing becoming more expensive. It is designed to help local communities learn about gentrification and the alternatives they can fight for. Through the experiences of council tenants, leaseholders and the wider community in London, it contains ideas, stories, tools and resources.

Staying Put is free to download and use by any individuals, community groups and campaigns, students, teachers, researchers…

Low res version (2.6mb)

High res version (10.5mb)