Antipode’s 9th Institute for the Geographies of Justice (IGJ) will take place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,
traditional homelands of the Dakota people
June 3rd to June 7th, 2024
The Institute for the Geographies of Justice is open to doctoral students nearing completion, postdoctoral researchers, and recently appointed junior faculty (within 3 years of appointment).
The Institute’s participation fee will be $200 for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and $350 for faculty. This fee will include your lodging on campus for the week, including breakfast.
See here for info about past IGJs:
All those wishing to attend the IGJ must complete an application form by January 31st, 2024. Application forms can be downloaded here.
Please submit your application by uploading it here.
Limited travel funds will be made available for some participants through the financial support of the Antipode Foundation. Other financial support for the IGJ is also being provided by the Antipode Foundation.
For questions or further inquiries, contact Marion Werner