Introducing Milton Santos and “The Active Role of Geography”


Introducing Milton Santos and “The Active Role of Geography”

Organised by Lucas Melgaço and Tim Clarke[i]

The following essays are commentaries on Milton Santos et al.’s “The Active Role of Geography: A Manifesto”. The Manifesto was first published in Portuguese in Brazil in 2000 and again in Spain in 2001[ii]; with the support of a Translation and Outreach Award from the Antipode Foundation, it has been translated for Antipode by Lucas Melgaço and Tim Clarke. The Manifesto was published in the journal in 2017 with an introduction by Lucas.

1. Space, Location, and Place – Cilene Gomes (University of Vale do Paraíba, Brazil)

2. Used Territory: Ontology and Praxis in the Thought of Milton Santos – Flavia Grimm and Marina Regitz Montenegro (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

3. From Totality to Place and Vice-Versa: Brazilian Experiences – Eugenio Fernandes Queiroga (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

4. A Critique of Fragmented Geographical Training – Rubens de Toledo Junior (Federal University of Latin American Integration, Brazil)

5. The Geographic Space: A Fragmented Space? – Delfina Trinca Fighera (University of Los Andes, Venezuela)

6. Manifesto for a Comprehensive and Transformative Geography – Fabio Betioli Contel (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

7. Method, Technique, and Totality in the Revolutionary Work of Milton Santos – James Humberto Zomighani Junior (Federal University of Latin American Integration, Brazil)

8. Reflections on Planning in the Trajectory of Milton Santos – Flavia Grimm (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

9. Globalization: The Territory as Resource and as Shelter – Eliza Pinto de Almeida (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil)

10. The Philosophy of Techniques: The Real and the Concrete of Geography – Sérgio Gertel (São Paulo State University, Brazil)


[i] Lucas Melgaço (Department of Criminology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; [email protected]); Tim Clarke (Department of English, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; [email protected])

[ii] Antipode would like to thank both Laboratório de Gestão do Território (LAGET)–Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Universidad de Barcelona for permission to translate and publish in the journal.

Santos M with Bernardes A, Zerbini A, Gomes C, Bicudo E, Almeida E, Betioli Contei F, Grimm F, Nobre G, Antongiovanni L, Bueno Pinheiro M, Xavier M, Silveira M L, Montenegro M, Ferreira da Rocha M, Arroyo M, Borin P, Ramos S and de Lima Belo V (2000) O Papel Ativo da Geografia: Um Manifesto. Revista Território 5(9):103-109 (last accessed 8 December 2016)

Santos M with Bernardes A, Zerbini A, Gomes C, Bicudo E, Almeida E, Betioli Contei F, Grimm F, Nobre G, Antongiovanni L, Bueno Pinheiro M, Xavier M, Silveira M L, Montenegro M, Ferreira da Rocha M, Arroyo M, Borin P, Ramos S and de Lima Belo V (2001) O Papel Ativo da Geografia: Um Manifesto. Biblio 3W: Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales 6(270) (last accessed 8 December 2016)