The deadline for 2014/15′s Antipode Foundation International Workshop and Scholar-Activist Project Awards is looming large: get your applications to us before 31 March 2014.
International Workshop Awards are intended to support radical geographers holding events (including conferences, workshops, seminar series, summer schools and action research meetings) that further radical analyses of geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better society. They make capacity-building possible by enabling the development of a community of scholars.
Scholar-Activist Project Awards are intended to support collaborations between academics, non-academics and activists (from NGOs, think tanks, social movements, or community grassroots organisations, among other places). They promote programmes of participation and engagement, cooperation and co-enquiry, and more publicly-focused forms of geographical investigation, offering opportunities for scholars to relate to civil society and make mutually beneficial connections.
For more information, including updates from last year’s awardees, see here and here; please get in touch ([email protected]) with any questions; and don’t forget that the Foundation welcomes applications from historically under-represented groups, regions, countries and institutions.
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Deadline for Antipode foundation funding at the end of March.