In the last month we’ve published seven great papers:
Gentrification Interrupted in Salford, UK: From New Deal to “Limbo-Land” in a Contemporary Urban Periphery by Andrew Wallace (University of Lincoln)
Unearthing Women’s Anti-Mining Activism in the Andes: Pachamama and the “Mad Old Women” by Katy Jenkins (Northumbria University)
Wasted Life: Labour, Liveliness, and the Production of Value by Anna Stanley (University of Toronto)
Food Co-ops and the Paradox of Exclusivity by Andrew Zitcer (Drexel University)
Economic Crisis, (Creative) Destruction, and the Current Urban Condition by Ståle Holgersen (Lund University)
Limits of Dissent, Perils of Activism: Spaces of Resistance and the New Security Logic by Merav Amir (Queen’s University Belfast) and Hagar Kotef (Tel Aviv University)
The Crumbling Fortress: Territory, Access, and Subjectivity Production in Waza National Park, Northern Cameroon by Alice Kelly (University of California, Berkeley)
All add to our growing stock of papers on some of the most pressing concerns of our time…
On gentrification, see also Katharine Rankin and Heather McLean’s Governing the Commercial Streets of the City: New Terrains of Disinvestment and Gentrification in Toronto’s Inner Suburbs;
On mining, see also Andreas Exner, Christian Lauk and Werner Zittel’s Sold Futures? The Global Availability of Metals and Economic Growth at the Peripheries: Distribution and Regulation in a Degrowth Perspective and Dawn Hoogeveen’s Sub-surface Property, Free-entry Mineral Staking and Settler Colonialism in Canada;
On waste and value, see also Renu Desai, Colin McFarlane and Stephen Graham’s The Politics of Open Defecation: Informality, Body, and Infrastructure in Mumbai;
On food, see also Julianne Busa and Rebekah Garder’s Champions of the Movement or Fair-weather Heroes? Individualization and the (A)politics of Local Food and Kristin Reynolds’ Disparity Despite Diversity: Social Injustice in New York City’s Urban Agriculture System;
On neoliberal urbanism, see also Neil Gray and Libby Porter’s By Any Means Necessary: Urban Regeneration and the “State of Exception” in Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games 2014;
On activism, see also Sam Halvorsen’s Taking Space: Moments of Rupture and Everyday Life in Occupy London and Patrick Bresnihan and Michael Byrne’s Escape into the City: Everyday Practices of Commoning and the Production of Urban Space in Dublin;
And on conservation, see also Evangelia Apostolopoulou and William Adams’ Neoliberal Capitalism and Conservation in the Post-crisis Era: The Dialectics of “Green” and “Un-green” Grabbing in Greece and the UK.