On Wednesday April 22nd, Vinay Gidwani (University of Minnesota) presented the 2015 Antipode AAG Lecture. Entitled “People Without Property in Jobs: Stuart Hall and the Conundrums of Contemporary Urbanization in India”, Vinay’s lecture (and the Q&A that followed) is now available as a video online here.
And you can still access, without a subscription, the 16 Antipode papers we pulled together to be read as a primer or further reading – our virtual issue on “wasting/valuing lands and lives”, “everyday life in the modern world”, and “a right to the city?”.
The Antipode Foundation, with Antipode‘s publisher Wiley, sponsors sessions at the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) and Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) (RGS-IBG). These annual international conferences are widely seen as vital venues for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas, and we invite presenters who represent both the political commitment and intellectual integrity that characterise a radical journal of geography. Wiley films the lectures, making them freely available online, and provides refreshments; some speakers choose to submit essays to be peer-reviewed and, if successful, published in Antipode. The lectures are inspiring and often provocative presentations from leading scholars, and over the years a wonderful array of colleagues have presented, including Gareth Stedman Jones and Jane Wills, Rinaldo Walcott, Bruce Braun, Christian Parenti, Katherine Gibson, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Jamie Peck, Lynn Staeheli, Melissa W. Wright, Ruth Wilson Gilmore and many, many more…
Paul Gilroy (King’s College London, UK) will be speaking at the RGS-IBG conference in Exeter this September, and Michael Watts (University of California, Berkeley, USA) will present the AAG lecture in San Francisco next April.