The 2015/16 Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist Project and International Workshop Awards – the results

The Foundation’s trustees held their AGM here in Cardiff earlier this month, and on the agenda were the Scholar-Activist Project and International Workshop Awards. This year we received 116 applications for S-APAs and 45 for IWAs, and the high standard made decision making no mean feat. The trustees scored the proposals and created shortlists that were subject to much debate; we’re delighted to announce that we’ll be making six S-APAs and four IWAs this year (the grants will amount to almost GB£100,000.00). Before announcing the recipients, we’d like to thank, again, all the applicants; it was a pleasure to read the applications and see the diversity and vitality of contemporary critical geography.

Scholar-Activist Project Awards are intended to support collaborations between academics, non-academics and activists (from NGOs, think tanks, social movements, or community grassroots organisations, among other places), while International Workshop Awards are intended to support radical geographers holding events including conferences, workshops, seminar series, summer schools and action research meetings.

The Foundation seeks to promote significant programmes of action-research, participation and engagement, cooperation and co-enquiry, and more publicly-focused forms of geographical investigation. We encourage the exchange of ideas across and beyond the borders of the academy, and the building of meaningful relationships and productive partnerships.

This year we’re supporting the work of both geographers and their fellow travellers, scholars both eminent and emerging, and activists from Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Aotearoa New Zealand, Palestine-Israel, Canada, and Kenya, among other places. The work covers forestry, feminism and indigeneity, climate change, and much more besides; and there’s a summer school, mentorship, oral history, art, and popular education. Watch this space for more from the awardees in the coming weeks and months as the projects and workshops unfold…

The 2015/16 Antipode Foundation International Workshop Awards

“Pursuing Elusive ‘Win-Win’ Results for Forests and People in Peru”

Josephine Chambers (University of Cambridge, UK), Conservation International–Peru, CIMA (Centro de Conservación, Investigación y Manejo de Areas Naturales), AMPA (Amazónicos por la Amazonía–Peru), Margarita del Aguila Mejía, Raydith Ramirez Reatégui and Luz Angélica Rios Carrasco

“Towards a Politics of Accountability: Caribbean Feminisms, Indigenous Geographies, Common Struggles”

Levi Gahman, Gabrielle Hosein, Priya Kissoon and Xaranta Baksh (University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago)

“Radical Flaxroots Responses to Climate Change: A Workshop for Knowledge Co-production in Kaikōura, Aotearoa New Zealand”

Amanda Thomas (Victoria University of Wellington), Raewyn Solomon (Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura) and Sophie Bond (University of Otago)

“A Summer School of Critical Palestine/Israel Studies”

Roi Wagner and Ariel Handel (Tel Aviv University, Israel) and Mada al-Carmel–Arab Center for Applied Social Research (Haifa, Israel)

The 2015/16 Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist Project Awards

“Mentorship as Political Practice: Filipino-Canadians Organizing Against Educational Abandonment in Vancouver BC”

John Paul Catungal (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada) and Maureen Mendoza (Kababayan Academic Mentorship Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada)

“People’s Global Action and the Alterglobalisation ‘Movement of Movements’: An Oral History of Transnational Organising for Today’s Struggles”

Laurence Cox (National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland), Lesley Wood (York University, Toronto, ON, Canada) and Uri Gordon (Loughborough University, UK)

“Re-drawing the Economy: Creating Place-Based Images That Can Travel”

Katherine Gibson and Stephen Healy (Western Sydney University, Australia), Jenny Cameron (University of Newcastle, Australia), Wendy Harcourt (International Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands) and colleagues

“Supporting Community Research to Contest the Normalization of Extrajudicial Killings and Everyday Violence in Mathare, Nairobi”

Wangui Kimari (Mathare Social Justice Centre, Nairobi, Kenya) and Peris Sean Jones (University of Oslo, Norway)

“Indigenous Tourism Activism Hui-Trawün: Fostering Spaces of Self-determination and Collaboration”

Marcela Palomino-Schalscha (Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand)

“The Hunger Strikers’ Handbook: Detention Abolition, From the Inside Out”

Megan Ybarra (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA), Maru Mora Villalpando (Latino Advocacy, Seattle, WA, USA) and North West Detention Center Resistance (Tacoma, WA, USA)


The Antipode Foundation was incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee, and registered as a charity, in 2011. It has a governing body of six trustees (all former Antipode editors) and a secretary, Andy Kent, to whom the day-to-day management of its affairs is delegated.

The Foundation owns Antipode – its principal charitable activity and source of income. Surpluses generated from the journal’s publication are either:

[i] distributed in the form of grants made to universities and similar institutions to support conferences, workshops and seminar series or collaborations between academics and non-academic activists;

or [ii] used to arrange and fund summer schools and other meetings, public lectures, and the translation of academic publications.

Together with Antipode itself, these initiatives promote and advance, for public benefit, social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of radical and critical geography by enabling the pursuit and dissemination of valuable new knowledge.