Forthcoming in Antipode…

As the summer comes to an end and a new semester begins, we’re looking forward to 2017 and the papers forthcoming in Antipode 49(1) in January–all of which are available online now (and will be freely available in the new year).

The Editorial Collective, September 2016

Energy Colonialism and the Role of the Global in Local Responses to New Energy Infrastructures in the UK: A Critical and Exploratory Empirical Analysis

Susana Batel and Patrick Devine-Wright

Susana and Patrick argue that their paper on public responses to large-scale low-carbon energy infrastructures offers lessons for people engaging with other matters of concern, including immigration, contemporary populist politics, and the future of the EU. What role do intergroup relations, collective narratives, and geographical imaginaries play in these phenomena?

Conveyer-Belt Justice: Precarity, Access to Justice, and Uneven Geographies of Legal Aid in UK Asylum Appeals

Andrew Burridge and Nick Gill

Andrew and Nick’s discussion of the frames of “luck”, “uncertainty”, and “dislocation” explores a number of ways in which asylum seekers experience precarity in spatially selective and specific ways. These frames arose from their multi-methodological research, and point a way towards understanding how space can figure in the production of exclusion and insecurity in the context of bureaucratic structures and systems that are not only under-funded, but continuously undermined by deleterious legislation.

Dancing to the Rhythms of the Fossil Fuel Landscape: Landscape Inertia and the Temporal Limits to Market-Based Climate Policy

Wim Carton

Wim’s contribution to the critique of market-based mechanisms for climate and energy policy examines the environmental effectiveness of the EU emissions trading and Flemish tradable green certificate schemes, focusing on the idea of economic efficiency as a key ideological construct underlying them.

The State and Financialization of Public Land in the United Kingdom

Brett Christophers

Brett’s latest book, The Great Leveler: Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law (Harvard University Press, 2016) was reviewed recently in Antipode by Bob Jessop, and his previous book, Banking Across Boundaries: Placing Finance in Capitalism (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), is part of the Antipode Book Series.

Lives Versus Livelihoods? Deepening the Regulatory Debates on Soil Fumigants in California’s Strawberry Industry

Julie Guthman

You can hear Julie, a member of Antipode’s International Advisory Board, on BBC Radio 4’s oftentimes brilliant Food Programme talking about the “Surprising Strawberry”.

Constructing a Culture of Solidarity: London and the British Coalfields in the Long 1970s

Diarmaid Kelliher

Diarmaid’s careful scholarship uncovers how the significant level of support the 1984-85 miners’ strike received in part relied on the development of relationships over the previous 15 years. His paper also reveals how relationships of solidarity can help develop a class politics that takes seriously race, gender, and sexuality, and reflects on the need for, and possibility of, productive political relations between the London Left and the UK’s old industrial heartlands.

The Poolitical City: “Seeing Sanitation” and Making the Urban Political in Cape Town

Colin McFarlane and Jonathan Silver

This superb paper, together with John Nagle’s and Dennis Rodgers and Stephen Young’s below, was included in our recently published virtual issue celebrating the 2016 Antipode RGS-IBG Lecture, AbdouMaliq Simone’s “Provisioning the Provisional: Ensemble Work in Yangon”.

Ghosts, Memory and the Right to the Divided City: Resisting Amnesia in Beirut City Centre

John Nagle

Lifetimes of Disposability and Surplus Entrepreneurs in Bagong Barrio, Manila

Geraldine Pratt, Caleb Johnston and Vanessa Banta

Here Gerry and colleagues continue their wonderful work, much of it published in Antipode (see, for example, here, here, here and here), on gender and social reproduction, labour and migration, exploitation and injustice, and creative struggles within/against all these in Canada, the Philippines and beyond.

From a Politics of Conviction to a Politics of Interest? The Changing Ontologics of Youth Politics in India and Nicaragua

Dennis Rodgers and Stephen Young

Evictability and the Biopolitical Bordering of Europe

Huub van Baar

This paper, like the next one, should offer food for thought to those of us struggling to make sense of Europe after a summer of migration, ascendent right-wing populism, and the fallout from the Brexit vote…

Political Regulation and the Strategic Production of Space: The European Union as a Post-Fordist State Spatial Project

Jens Wissel and Sebastian Wolff

Epistemological Ignorances and Fighting for the Disappeared: Lessons from Mexico

Melissa W. Wright

Here ex-Antipode editor Melissa Wright continues her brilliant, wrenching work on the global devastation wrought by capitalist exploitation, state terror and social hatred, exploring how contemporary activism in Mexico against feminicidio, drug wars and brutal repression both draws from long legacy of protest across the Americas, and has relevance for other places as people fight a cruel modernity that evolves through terror, profit and hatred. (Melissa’s other Antipode essays are available here, here, herehere and here.)


  1. sarakoopman

    wow, I love this format Andy, well done. I reminds me of the chatty what you need to know emails from the New York Times 🙂
    *Sara Koopman* Postdoctoral Researcher Space and Political Agency Research Group , RELATE CoE University of Tampere (Finland)
    Research Associate City Institute, York University (Canada)
    blogging movement analysis at decolonizing solidarity and weekly term translations at Spanish for social change tweeting about Colombia and geography at space for peace connect with me on facebook or on academia
    latest publication: Beware, your research may weaponized
    proud to have been part of the team that created the Global Toolkit for Historical Memory
    On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 7:35 PM, wrote:
    > Antipode Editorial Office posted: “As the summer comes to an end and a new > semester begins, we’re looking forward to 2017 and the papers forthcoming > in Antipode 49(1) in January–all of which are available online now (and > will be freely available in the new year). The Editorial Collective,” >
