The 2018 Antipode NZGS-IAG Lecture – “Global Red Power: Fanon and Mao on Turtle Island” by Glen Coulthard

Join us at the University of Auckland on Friday 13th July at 4:20pm for the 2018 Antipode New Zealand Geographical Society / Institute of Australian Geographers Lecture, “Global Red Power: Fanon and Mao on Turtle Island” by Glen Coulthard (First Nations and Indigenous Studies, University of British Columbia).

My lecture will detail the historical emergence in the late 1960s of what Max Elbaum has identified as the “ideological hegemony” of a distinctly “Third World” socialist approach to the critique of settler-colonial capitalism on the left in North America, albeit in my case with a focus on the left in Canada, and an emphasis on the theoretical draw of Frantz Fanon and Mao Zedong to Red Power-era activists specifically. I argue that the inherited conceptual apparatus associated with the Third World contributions of Fanon and Mao provided Indigenous internationalists with a language of political contestation that they fundamentally adapted and transformed to critically engage their own local, colonial situations. In foregrounding this subaltern history of Red Power-era thought and activism, it will be shown that the individual and collective decolonization of Indigenous nations through acts of militant cultural and material self-actualization – resurgence – has always been a critically polymorphous project deeply informed but not straightjacketed by the grounded normativities of place, land and culture.

Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography is owned by the Antipode Foundation, a charity that promotes the advancement of the field of critical geography. All surpluses generated by publishing are either [i] distributed in the form of grants made to universities and similar institutions to support conferences, workshops and seminar series or collaborations between academics and non-academic activists, or [ii] used to arrange and fund summer schools and other meetings, the translation of academic publications, and public lectures (see

Before now, the Antipode Lecture Series comprised sponsored sessions at the annual meetings of the American Association of Geographers and Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). We invite presenters who represent both the political commitment and intellectual integrity that characterise the sort of work that appears in the journal. Their lectures are filmed by our publisher, Wiley, and made freely available online; Wiley also arrange a reception. Speakers often submit essays to be peer-reviewed and, if successful, published in Antipode. Our archive of inspiring and provocative presentations can be viewed at

The AAG’s and RGS-IBG’s annual international conferences are widely seen as vital venues for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas–but they’re not, of course, the only ones. From 2018, the Lecture Series will be going on the road, reaching out beyond the US and UK to maximise the diversity of those contributing to our community, and facilitating engagement with scholarship from hitherto under-represented groups, regions, countries and institutions to enrich conversations and debates in Antipode.

We’d be delighted if you could join us at the joint conference of the New Zealand Geographical Society and Institute of Australian Geographers ( on Friday 13th July at the University of Auckland for Glen Coulthard’s Antipode Lecture, “Global Red Power: Fanon and Mao on Turtle Island”. The lecture starts at 4.20pm, and will be followed by a reception sponsored by Wiley.

As an introduction to Prof. Coulthard’s 2018 Antipode NZGS-IAG Lecture, we have made 29 recent papers available to readers without a subscription. Together they reflect themes germane to his work on Indigenous scholarship and activism, contemporary political theory, and radical social and political thought, and will, we hope, offer a primer or further reading to his lecture. Many thanks from everyone at Antipode to Glen for agreeing to join us in Auckland, and to all at Wiley (especially Amanda Wilson, Katherine Wheatley and Puneet Bola-Moore in Oxford, and Julia Ballard and Chloe Chadwick in Melbourne) for all their help with the lecture and virtual issue.

Andy Kent (Antipode Editorial Office)

July 2018

The papers

Naturalising Finance, Financialising Natives: Indigeneity, Race, and “Responsible” Agricultural Investment in Canada
Melanie Sommerville (2018)

“It is loved and it is defended”: Critical Solidarity Across Race and Place
Diana Negrín da Silva (2018)

Material Footprints: The Struggle for Borders by Bedouin‐Palestinians in Israel
Sharri Plonski (2018)

Populism, Hegemony, and the Politics of Natural Resource Extraction in Evo Morales’s Bolivia
Diego Andreucci (2017)

Environmentality on the Canadian Prairies: Settler‐Farmer Subjectivities and Agri‐Environmental Objects
Julia Laforge and Stéphane McLachlan (2018)

Enclosures from Below: The Mushaa’ in Contemporary Palestine
Noura Alkhalili (2017)

Contesting the Settler City: Indigenous Self‐Determination, New Urban Reserves, and the Neoliberalization of Colonialism
Julie Tomiak (2017)

Shared Social License: Mining and Conservation in the Peruvian Andes
Timothy Norris (2017)

Gendering Palestinian Dispossession: Evaluating Land Loss in the West Bank
Caitlin Ryan (2017)

Neocolonial Urbanism? La Rénovation Urbaine in Paris
Stefan Kipfer (2016)

The Power to Plunder: Rethinking Land Grabbing in Latin America
Sharlene Mollett (2016)

Protected Areas, Country and Value: The Nature-Culture Tyranny of the IUCN’s Protected Area Guidelines for Indigenous Australians
Emma Lee (2016)

White Settler Society as Monster: Rural Southeast Kansas, Ancestral Osage (Wah‐Zha‐Zhi) Territories, and the Violence of Forgetting
Levi Gahman (2016)

The Activist Polis: Topologies of Conflict in Indigenous Solidarity Activism
Carrie Mott (2016)

2Precious2Mine: Post‐politics, Colonial Imaginary, or Hopeful Political Moment?
Sophie Bond, Gradon Diprose and Andrew McGregor (2015)

Wasted Life: Labour, Liveliness, and the Production of Value
Anna Stanley (2015)

How Capitalism Will Save Colonialism: The Privatization of Reserve Lands in Canada
Shiri Pasternak (2015)

Sub‐surface Property, Free‐entry Mineral Staking and Settler Colonialism in Canada
Dawn Hoogeveen (2015)

Extinction is the Dream of Modern Powers: Bearing Witness to the Return to Life of the Sinixt Peoples?
Sean Robertson (2014)

Negotiating Neoliberal Empowerment: Aboriginal People, Educational Restructuring, and Academic Labour in the North of British Columbia, Canada
Suzanne Mills and Tyler McCreary (2013)

Dispossession by Accumulation? Mining, Water and the Nature of Enclosure on the Bolivian Altiplano
Tom Perreault (2013)

“You Cannot Measure a Tzuultaq’a”: Cultural Politics at the Limits of Liberal Legibility
Megan Ybarra (2013)

Diamond Mining in Canada’s Northwest Territories: A Colonial Continuity
Rebecca Hall (2013)

Regimes of Ethical Value? Landscape, Race and Representation in the Canadian Diamond Industry
Kolson Schlosser (2013)

Radicalizing Relationships To and Through Shared Geographies: Why Anarchists Need to Understand Indigenous Connections to Land and Place
Adam Barker and Jenny Pickerill (2012)

Translation Alignment: Actor‐Network Theory, Resistance, and the Power Dynamics of Alliance in New Caledonia
Leah Horowitz (2012)

Emancipation or Enclosement? The Spatialization of Difference and Urban Ethnic Contestation in Colombia
Diana Bocarejo (2012)

What Happened to the “Promised Land”? A Fanonian Perspective on Post‐Apartheid South Africa
Nigel Gibson (2012)

Decolonization in the Heart of Empire: Some Fanonian Echoes in France Today
Stefan Kipfer (2011)
