Video abstract – “Bursting the Bubble: Spatialising Safety for Privileged Migrant Women in Singapore”

The Guardian today published a piece asking “What would a city that is safe for women look like?” Using examples from Delhi, Barcelona, Nairobi, Cairo, and Kigali, the author outlines “…a number of measures [that] can be taken to make streets feel safer and to keep women more secure when moving around the city.” It should go without saying that the issue couldn’t be more timely. And while “…women are being consulted in planning new urban developments” (emphasis added), research by geographers shows that this is too seldom the case (see herehere and here).

Forthcoming in our March 2019 issue, and available online now, Sophie Cranston and Jenny Lloyd’s “Bursting the Bubble: Spatialising Safety for Privileged Migrant Women in Singapore” should prove invaluable to those thinking through these issues in radical ways. Their paper is a constructive engagement with work attentive to, and critical of, how safety is lived and narrated. In contrast to previous geographical work on safety that focuses on fear, “Bursting the Bubble” looks at safety as something more than an aspiration for women. To do so, Sophie and Jenny utilise the metaphor of the “expatriate bubble” to explore how safety is constructed and experienced by privileged migrants within Singapore. Mobilising research from two projects, they argue that we need to think about how gender and Othering intersect to construct safety. In doing so, they offer thoughts on how we might use conceptualisations of privileged migrants to research how safety can be understood, and therefore practised, more widely.

Sophie Cranston is a Lecturer in Human Geography at Loughborough University. Her research focuses on the global mobility industry, mobilities as a field for understanding the different ways in which “expatriate” comes to be understood, and mobility and young people’s identities (looking at high school-aged children and university students). A well as Antipode it has appeared in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesEnvironment and Planning D and A, and Geoforum, among other places.

Jenny Lloyd is a Research Fellow at the University of Bedfordshire’s International Centre for Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking, where she works in the area of peer-on-peer abuse in adolescence (working with schools to identify enablers of, and barriers to addressing, harmful sexual behaviour). Her PhD, completed in 2015 at Newcastle University, focused on the experiences of migrant women in Singapore, developing a wider interest in women’s rights and social justice.

Their paper joins 14 others to make up Antipode 51(2), the second issue of 2019, the year in which we’re celebrating 50 years of the journal. Watch this space for updates on events throughout the year, and in the meantime check out the papers available below…

Antipode 51(2), March 2019

Contradictions of Spatial Governance: Bioeconomy and the Management of State Space in Finland

Toni Ahlqvist and Heikki Sirviö

The Pluralities of Black Geographies

Adam Bledsoe and Willie Wright

Territorial (In) Coherence: Labour and Special Economic Zones in Lao Border Manufacturing

James Alan Brown

From Grenfell Tower to the Home Front: Unsettling Property Norms Using a Genealogical Approach

Samuel Burgum

“An opportunity to hope and dream”: Disaster Politics and the Emergence of Possibility through Community Led Recovery

Raven Marie Cretney

Intimate Mediations of For-Profit Conservation Finance: Waste, Improvement, and Accumulation

Jessica Dempsey and Patrick Bigger

“Our life is a struggle”: Respectable Gender Norms and Black Resistance to Policing

Adam Elliott-Cooper

Disability Consciousness on the Frontlines of Urban Struggle

Mary Jean Hande

Ripping the Heart out of Ancoats:Collective Action to Defend Infrastructures of Social Reproduction against Gentrification

Nikki Luke and Maria Kaika

Onward Precarity, Mobility, and Migration among Latin Americans in London

Cathy McIlwaine and Diego Bunge

“Solidarity is our weapon”: Social Mobilisation in Scotland in the Contest of the Post-Political Condition

Elisabetta Mocca and Stephen Osborne

Making Space for Wind Farms: Practices of Territorial Stigmatization in Rural Denmark

David Rudolph and Julia K. Kirkegaard

Subcontracting Academia: Alienation, Exploitation and Disillusionment in the UK Overseas Syrian Refugee Research Industry

Mayssoun Sukarieh and Stuart Tannock

Labour Geographies of Workplace Restructuring: An Intra-Labour Analysis

Andrew Warren