Antipode Foundation “Right to the Discipline” grants are intended to facilitate creative intellectual and political interventions, inventive forms of collaboration, and tears in the fabric of extant orthodoxies in our discipline. There are many radical practices, ideas, and sites of knowledge production that do not receive support in the current funding environment. This call aims to encourage imaginative, daring, and unruly scholarship and praxis, including but not limited to workshops, scholar-activism, and conventional modes of research. We recognise movements and forces of social and spatial change already at work inside/outside the academy, and wish to amplify interventions that might otherwise not receive funding. In so doing, we want to support attempts to go beyond, and reshape, the boundaries of established academic practice.
We encourage participation and engagement, cooperation, accompaniment, and co-enquiry. Projects could take many forms, for example, collaborative research with artistic, community, social movement, or other kinds of groups; the production of educational materials and other innovative pedagogical initiatives; events, gatherings and writing retreats; aesthetic interventions and media projects; or individual research and writing. They might involve individuals or groups across scales and ecologies. We seek work that challenges the discipline and its extant exclusions. This is the fourth year in which we have offered these grants; you can get a sense of the range of work we’ve supported in the past here.
The Antipode Foundation expects to allocate each initiative up to £10,000.00 (ten thousand pounds sterling, or its equivalent in the awardee’s currency of choice) but the amounts of its grants will vary according to the proposed initiative. We welcome applications for smaller grants, and while we recognise that the maximum amount is a relatively modest sum, we hope it will nevertheless enable critical and creative work. Funds may be used to address existing obstacles to the applicant’s research and publication in innovative ways (the living costs of those un/underemployed, in precarious positions, and/or with care responsibilities, for example, are eligible for funding), and the Antipode Foundation will explicitly privilege early-career researchers/non-tenure-track applicants and applicants from historically under-represented groups, regions, countries and institutions in its decision-making processes.
Who is Eligible and How to Apply?
Anyone can apply for a grant (including academics and students, and activists of all kinds). Application forms are available here or from the Foundation’s Executive Director, Andy Kent ([email protected]), and should be returned to him before/on 31st March 2024. Applications will be considered by a panel of trustees of the Antipode Foundation and editors of Antipode, and all applicants will be notified of the results in June 2024. Unfortunately, we cannot give detailed feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
We ask all grant recipients to provide a short (one-page) report one calendar year after receipt of the grant, unless a no-cost extension is approved by the Foundation. This should be sent to Andy Kent and a version of it will be posted on in the interests of transparency and to encourage further applications. Grants made to an individual/individuals as opposed to an institution are subject to additional post-award reporting. To enable the Foundation to meet its responsibilities in accounting for the use of its funds, a Final Expenditure Statement must be submitted within 15 months and must provide details of how the funds awarded have been spent.
All applicants must read and acknowledge the Foundation’s transparency notice. This notice sets out how we use and protect your personal information. In order to consider your application we must send it to our Trustees and Editors, some of whom are based outside the European Economic Area (EEA) including in jurisdictions where personal data may not have the same protection as within the EEA. This is a necessary part of the application process. By submitting your application you agree to it being sent to our Trustees and Editors outside the EEA in accordance with the transparency notice.
***Note that Antipode Foundation “Right to the Discipline” grants are replacing Scholar-Activist Project Awards and International Workshop Awards***