Featured image: Book fair at Exarcheia Square organised by the residents; on the sheet metal, it’s written “Trees will remain in the square.” (source: photo by Elia Apostolopoulou, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London)
Journal Articles
- Austerity Infrastructure, Gentrification, and Spatial Violence: A Ceaseless Battle over Urban Space in Exarcheia Neighbourhood by Elia Apostolopoulou and Danai Liodaki *OPEN ACCESS*
- From Coercive to Carceral Conservation: Reframing Conservation through Abolition Ecologies by Marlotte de Jong, Ember McCoy and Bilal Butt *OPEN ACCESS*
- Control and Resistance in Automated Shops: Retail Transparency, Deep Learning, and Digital Refusal by Thomas Dekeyser and Casey R. Lynch *OPEN ACCESS*
- Israel’s War on Gaza in a Global Frame by Mohamed El-Shewy, Mark Griffiths and Craig Jones *OPEN ACCESS*
- The Maya Train: Infrastructure and Racial Capitalism in Southeast Mexico by Claudia Fonseca Alfaro *OPEN ACCESS*
- Towards Hemispheric Conversations in the Americas: Internal Colonialism and Efforts to Decolonise the Self in Abya Yala by Daniel P. Gámez, María-Belén Noroña, Fernanda Rojas-Marchini and Inari Sosa-Aranda *OPEN ACCESS*
- Non-Status Citizenship and the Paradoxes of Immigration Regimes in a Sanctuary City by Liette Gilbert and Luisa Sotomayor *OPEN ACCESS*
- Gridlock: Infrastructure and Jurisdiction in Eastern Navajo Agency by Silas Grant *OPEN ACCESS*
- In Desperate Need: Public Sanitation in Contemporary London by Victoria Habermehl and Colin McFarlane *OPEN ACCESS*
- The Spatiality of Popular Politics on the Urban Margins: Insights from Argentina and Chile by Sam Halvorsen and Nicolás Angelcos *OPEN ACCESS*
- Territorial Stigma and Rent Gap Production: The Logics of Gentrification in Gresham and Middlehaven, Middlesbrough by Hannah Holmes *OPEN ACCESS*
- Counter-Mapping, Counter-Histories, and Insurgencies of Subjugated Knowledges in the Fisher Struggle for Ennore Creek by Nityanand Jayaraman, Lindsay Bremner, Karen Coelho, Pooja Kumar and Saravanan Kasinathan *OPEN ACCESS*
- South–South Theoretical Dialogues: The Tanzanian Experience (1974–76) in Milton Santos’ Spatial Theory by Antonio Gomes de Jesus Neto
- Dis/incremental Dwelling and the Right to the Beach in Jamestown, Accra, Ghana by Bianca Malkoc and Leigh Johnson *OPEN ACCESS*
- No Camp is a “Good Camp”: The Closed Controlled Access Centre on Samos as a Torturing Environment and Necropolitical Space of Uncare by Julia Manek *OPEN ACCESS*
- Knowledge(s) and Power in the Stop Line 3 Movement: From Colonial Logics to Epistemic Justice by Sirkka Miller *OPEN ACCESS*
- Searching for “The New Oil”: Preemptive Hope and Post-Petroleum Futures in Norway’s Oil Capital by Anders Riel Müller *OPEN ACCESS*
- Everyday Bordering and Migrant Schooling Timescapes in Post-Crisis Athens by Anna Papoutsi *OPEN ACCESS*
- Agrarian Platform Capitalism: Digital Rentiership Comes to Farming by Emily Reisman, Madeleine Fairbairn and Zenia Kish
- Embodied Thermal Insecurity and Counter-Hegemonic Heat Mapping by Petra Tschakert and Krishna Karthikeyan *OPEN ACCESS*
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