Looking forward to 2018 and Antipode’s 50th volume, we’ve got some brilliant papers coming out. We’ll get to the first and second issues below; first up there’s Issue 3, which will be out in June. As well as a powerful ten-paper symposium, “Mediterranean Movements: Mobility Struggles, Border Restructuring, and the Humanitarian Frontier” organised by Glenda Garelli, Alessandra Sciurba and Martina Tazzioli, and including contributions from Sandro Mezzadra and Toni Negri and Étienne Balibar and Nicholas De Genova, there will be essays on global commodity chains and small cocoa producers in Ecuador, social media contestations of racialised violence in Brazil, and race and class in Philadelphia’s solidarity economy.
It will also feature Sharon Leahy, Kim McKee and Joe Crawford’s fine article, “Generating Confusion, Concern, and Precarity through the Right to Rent Scheme in Scotland”:
The Immigration Act 2016 has heralded an era of amplified Government intervention into day-to-day life, placing increased responsibility for border protection on UK citizens. Using interviews with representatives from the field of housing in Scotland, this paper examines one specific aspect of the Immigration Act 2016, the Right to Rent scheme. We investigate how the Right to Rent creates a precarious environment for all those who may appear to be non-UK citizens. We argue that it may endorse senses of fantasy citizenship to inculcate people into acting on behalf of the state and is a driver for further division in society. Scotland provides a particularly interesting case study, as housing is a devolved power, but immigration is not. This creates an additional layer of tension in our interview data, as housing organisations are faced with a set of conditions imposed from Westminster, infringing on a field that Scotland has self-determined for some time. Our interviews illustrate the level of confusion around the scheme, the fact that it is increasing criminalisation in the housing sector, and stresses that the scheme is offloading state responsibility for border protection.
Here Joe introduces the paper, which should speak to scholars and activists alike. Housing, precarity, citizenship – what could be more timely and pressing?! With his co-authors Sharon and Kim, Joe works at the Centre for Housing Research at University of St Andrews. All three teach in the University’s School of Geography & Sustainable Development, and you can read more about their research here, here and here.
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Issues 1 and 2 of Antipode are currently with our publishers, shaping up nicely. The print versions will be available in January and March 2018 respectively, but you can read all the papers online now…
Antipode, Volume 50, Number 1
Paul Gilroy
The 2016 Antipode RGS-IBG Lecture – The Urban Majority and Provisional Recompositions in Yangon
AbdouMaliq Simone
Ruth Barton
Political Ecologies of Global Health: Pesticide Exposure in Southwestern Ecuador’s Banana Industry
Ben Wesley Brisbois, Leila Harris and Jerry Spiegel
John Carr and Tema Milstein
Intergenerational Inequality? Labour, Capital, and Housing Through the Ages
Brett Christophers
Producing Victimhood: Landmines, Reparations, and Law in Colombia
Max Counter
Dispossession and the Depletion of Social Reproduction
Bina Fernandez
A Hostile Takeover of Nature? Placing Value in Conservation Finance
Kelly Kay
Equation and Adequation: The World Traced by the Phillips Curve
Geoff Mann
Jennifer Rice and Brian Burke
Potemkin Revolution: Utopian Jungle Cities of 21st Century Socialism
Japhy Wilson and Manuel Bayón
Politics of the Anthropocene: Formation of the Commons as a Geologic Process
Kathryn Yusoff
Antipode, Volume 50, Number 2
Karen Buckley
Environmental Justice Meets Risk-Class: The Relational Distribution of Environmental Bads
Dean Curran
Neil Gray
The Abstraction of Care: What Work Counts?
Caitlin Henry
Julia Laforge and Stéphane McLachlan
Hijacking the Narrative: The First World Forum on Natural Capital, #natcap13, and Radical Dissent
Brett Matulis and Jessica Moyer
Ashanté Reese
Kanchana Ruwanpura
Symposium: The Occupation of Spaces for Radical Struggles in Italy – Introduction
Pierpaolo Mudu
From Contention to Co-governance: The Case of the Right to Inhabit Movement in Rome (2000-2013)
Alejandro Sehtman
Territories of Struggle: Social Centres in Northern Italy Opposing Mega-Events
Anna Casaglia
Squatting Social Centres in a Sicilian City: Liberated Spaces and Urban Protest Actors
Gianni Piazza
Romain Filhol
Radical Urban Horticulture For Food Autonomy: Beyond the Community Gardens Experience
Pierpaolo Mudu and Alessia Marini